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Terms of sales



1.1 These general conditions of sale (hereinafter, "GTC") are applicable to all orders placed with the company LB by Laura Budroni (hereinafter, "By Laura Budroni) whose registered office is established at 91 B- 2, rue de la sonatine 1080 Brussels, registered with the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises under number 0697709815, in particular through the website (hereinafter, the “Site”).


1.2 The GTCS are attached to the offer when ordering and are available online on the Site. By checking the appropriate box when ordering, the person wishing to place an order (hereinafter, "the Buyer") acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the T & Cs in their entirety.


1.3 The contractual relations between By Laura Budroni and the Buyer are governed by these GTC, the General Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy available on the Site, to the exclusion of any general conditions of the Buyer.




2.1 By Laura Budroni has developed accessories for children & adults (hereinafter the “Product (s)”). More information about the Product can be found on the Site.


2.2 The acquisition of the Product (s) is carried out through the ordering system described below (see point 3).




3.1 The Site provides for the possibility of placing an order for one or more Product (s). To place an order, the Buyer must follow the ordering procedure provided on the Site, which includes:


  • the communication of his personal contact data (name, first name, postal address, telephone number, email)

  • communication of the desired delivery address

  • the choice of delivery method

  • choice of payment method

  • verification of the information entered

  • understanding and validation of the GTC

  • validation of the order by clicking on the button "Confirm your order"

  • where applicable, payment via the payment system integrated into the Site

  • order confirmation by email


3.2 The final validation of the order by clicking on the "ORDER" button constitutes an electronic signature which binds the Buyer in the same way as a handwritten signature and implies the obligation to pay.


3.3 Any order will only be taken into account after payment has been accepted by the banking organization of By Laura Budroni. In the absence of payment within thirty (30) calendar days of the order, By Laura Budroni reserves the right to cancel it.


3.4 The order of Product (s) is reserved only for adult individuals with legal capacity, who act for private purposes. Any order not respecting these conditions may be canceled by By Laura Budroni.




4.1 The prices indicated are expressed in euros (EUR) and are understood to include all taxes (TTC) excluding shipping and delivery costs. Participation in shipping and delivery costs may vary depending on the number of products ordered. The choice of a delivery method and the related costs are added during the ordering process (see point 3.1).


4.2 Payment for the Product (s) is made when ordering and in two ways:


  • by Bancontact

  • by PayPal




5.1 The delivery time of the Product (s) is communicated when ordering for information only. By Laura Budroni makes every effort to ensure that delivery times are respected. Exceeding this period, especially in the event of a shortage of stock, cannot give rise to any claim for compensation from the Buyer. The delivery times indicated take effect upon receipt of the confirmation email.


5.2 In accordance with the law, the transfer of risk takes place at the time of delivery. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to check the conformity of the Product (s) (condition, characteristics, absence of defects, quantity, etc.) upon receipt, in the presence of the carrier, if applicable. Any dispute relating to the conformity of the Product (s) delivered must be indicated on the delivery note and communicated to the carrier, as well as to By Laura Budroni.




6.1 In accordance with the law, the Purchaser has the guarantee relating to consumer goods provided for in articles 1649 bis to 1649 octies of the Civil Code. These T & Cs do not affect these rights.


6.2 However, the warranty does not apply if the defect is caused by improper handling, deterioration or improper use of the Product by the Buyer.




7.1 In accordance with the law, the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days of delivery of the Product (s).


7.2 To exercise this right, it is sufficient to notify your decision to withdraw within this period by means of an unambiguous declaration by post or email.


7.3 In the event of withdrawal, By Laura Budroni will reimburse the price of the Product (s), including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from the fact that you have chosen, where applicable, a delivery method other than the cheapest mode offered) without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen (14) days from the day of notification of the withdrawal decision, unless the Product (s) ) have not been returned within this period. In this case, the refund will be made upon receipt of the Product (s). Unless expressly requested otherwise, reimbursement will be made by the same means of payment as that used for the initial payment and will not incur any additional costs.


7.4 In the event of withdrawal, the Purchaser is obliged to return the Product (s) to By Laura Budroni without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen (14) days from the day of the notification of the withdrawal decision. The costs of returning the Product (s) are the responsibility of the Buyer.


7.5 The responsibility of the Buyer is only engaged with regard to the depreciation of the Product (s) resulting from handling other than those necessary to establish the nature and characteristics of the Product (s).




8.1 The responsibility of By Laura Budroni cannot be invoked in the event of unforeseeable circumstances or in the event of force majeure (cf. point 10).


8.2 The liability of By Laura Budroni is limited exclusively to possible direct damages and can in no case be engaged in the event of indirect damages such as, among others, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of data, of time, deficits or any other form of indirect damage.


8.3 By Laura Budroni can no longer be held responsible for damages inherent in the use of the internet.


8.4 Without prejudice to the right of withdrawal provided for in point 7, to be valid, any possible complaint by the Purchaser must be communicated in writing within eight (8) calendar days of becoming aware of the fact giving rise to the complaint. . The absence of any dispute according to the aforementioned rules entails for the Purchaser the unconditional and unreserved acceptance of the fact which gives rise to the complaint and, de facto, the definitive waiver of any complaint under this head.


8.5 The Buyer remains solely responsible for the choice of the Product (s), their appropriateness and adapted to his needs, and their use. Any use of the Product (s) not in accordance with the intended use is the sole responsibility of the Buyer, to the exclusion of that of By Laura Budroni.


8.6 The Buyer is also solely responsible for compliance with the regulations in force in his country of residence.




9.1 Any event that may be foreseeable but unforeseen independently of the will of the parties and which makes the performance, by a party, of one or more of its obligations, either impossible or substantially more difficult, is to be considered as a case of force majeure ( such as in particular: war, riot, revolution, insurrection, strike or lockout within the company of a party, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, failure of telecommunications systems, power cut, etc.) .


9.2 The party invoking force majeure shall notify the other as soon as possible of the occurrence of the event.


9.3 The obligations which are affected by the force majeure event, as well as any reciprocal obligations of the other party, are suspended for the duration of the force majeure event.


9.4 If the case of force majeure lasts for more than three (3) months, each of the parties has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect and without compensation by notification by registered letter sent to the other party.




10.1 By Laura Budroni's abstention from invoking, at a given time, a provision of these T & Cs, may not be interpreted as a waiver to subsequently assert its rights by virtue thereof.


10.2 The nullity, lapsing or non-enforceable nature of all or part of one of the preceding or following provisions will not result in the nullity of all of these GTCS. The provision wholly or partially null, void or unenforceable will be deemed unwritten. By Laura Budroni undertakes to replace this provision with another which will, as far as possible, perform the same function.




11.1 The GTCS are subject to Belgian law, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable rules of private international law.


11.2 In the event of a dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the GTC, the Belgian courts are exclusively competent, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable rules of private international law.


11.3 Before taking any steps aimed at the judicial resolution of a dispute, the Buyer undertakes to attempt to resolve it amicably by contacting By Laura Budroni directly. In accordance with the law, the Buyer is also informed that he can contact the European platform for online dispute resolution:

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